
Thursday, 24 November 2016


Aim Achiever provides you best coaching for CLAT Exam coaching in Chandigarh. CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) is an all India entrance exam conduct on rotation by 16 National Law University (NLU) for take admission to their under graduate and post graduate degree programmers(LL.B & LL.M).We provide you best or latest pattern study material. Our academy has highly experienced teachers. We also provide you daily regular classes or weekend classes. We provide result oriented coaching class for the students so that they can easily crack entrance exams. We provide full study material so there is no need for buy any book from market. Regular test series are also practiced by our institute. CLAT Coaching Institute in Chandigarh.

Career option in Law:

Litigation or Advocacy                Law Firm
Government jobs                       Corporate Counsel
Academic Research                   Assistance bin Legal issues

Applicant Eligibility

For UG classes: 10+2 with 45% and 40% marks for OBC &SC/ST category respectively.
For PG classes:LLB degree with 55% and 50% marks for OBC &SC/ST category respectively.

Age Limit:

General category: 20 years
OBC/SC/ST    :  22 years

Exam description

Total Questions                             200
Total marks- 200
Duration of exam time 2Hour

Subjects       Marks
English   40
General knowledge and Current Affairs 50
Mathematics                                                50
Legal aptitude  50
Logical reasoning 40


Important date for CLAT  2017:

CLAT 2017 Notification Release                  2nd week of DEC.

CLAT Online Registration process               1st week of JAN 2017

Last date of online Registration                    4th week of March 2017

CLAT/LAW Admit card                                 3rd week of April 2017
CLAT/LAW exam date                                  2nd week of MAY 2017

Result date                                                    3rd of MAY 2017

Aim Achiever academy also provide the


Thursday, 17 November 2016


What is NDA

NDA stands for National Defence Academy, a foremost Joint Services Institute of Indian Armed Forces, for producing cadets of the three services, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force are trained together with mental and physical attributes before going to pre-commissioning training in their respective service academies. This service has been includes Science, Technology  and some Military subjects. In three years, student is transformed into a potential officer and a gentleman. NDA Coaching in Delhi.

NDA Eligibility criteria:

Educational Standards:

•    For Army Wing –   class 12th by a State Education Board or a University.
•    For Air Force and Naval Wings –   Candidate should be passed 12th standard with physics and mathematics as main subjects.
•    Age Limit : Age limit not below 16.5 year and not above  from 19 year (As on Ist Jan 2017).
•    Sex and Marital Status: Unmarried male only.

Physical Standards:

Candidates should be physically fit as per the guidelines of  National  Defence  Academy and Naval Academy Examination.
Candidates who have resigned or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any of the training academies of Armed Forces are not eligible to apply.
NDA Exam Coaching in Delhi.

NDA coaching in Chandigarh

Details of Examination:

•    Written Examination schedule

No of Questions



Details of exam :


Part I:


Part II:
Section A –     Physics
Section B –     Chemistry
Section C –      General Science
Section D –      History, Civics
Section E –      Geography
Section F –       Current Events

 Upcoming notifications for NDA students:
  • NDA – I Form Date: 18th JAN 2017 to 10 FEB 2017
  •  Exam Date  : 23 APRIL 2017.
  • NDA – II Form Date: 07 JUNE 2017 to 30 JUNE.
  •  Exam Date : 10 SEPT 2017.
Vacant Posts in Various Departments:

Total No of Vacant Posts: 375 to 425 Approx.
Posts Name: National Defence

There are total 320 Posts

Indian Military: Posts 208
Indian Navy: Posts 42
Indian Air Force: Posts 70  
For Naval Academy (12th Cadets scheme of Entry):
There are total 55 Posts for naval academy.


Friday, 11 November 2016

How to Prepare for NDA Exams

NDA which implies National Defense Academy is an establishment which gives the preparation to possibility for the determination of Indian Armed Forces like Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Navy. For being the piece of national safeguard institute competitors need to clear the selection test of NDA. There are the different hotspots for the readiness for clearing this exam. Hopefuls can take material from web. In any case, In India there are numerous instructing foundations for the better arrangements. Since training focus take after the correct route for clearing the exam. NDA is the reasonable exam for the individuals who need to make their profession in military. It is the initial step for making your profession as officer. Best time for get ready for the exam is after twelfth class. This exam is directed twice in a year.

In Chandigarh there are various training foundations. Be that as it may, the Aim Achiever is not quite the same as others. The method for instructing is truly applauding. Each understudy is dealt with exceptionally well. Instructors are an excess of experienced. They know their employment exceptionally well. They have diverse tips and traps for the planning of the exam. NDA Coaching in Delhi

The course of NDA exam incorporates different subjects like, Mathematics, Physics, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, History, English, Geography, Political Science, Biology and Chemistry. Test papers of earlier years play a key for setting up the exams. Achievement is just in yours grasping. A guide or an establishment can demonstrate to you the correct way yet you need to stroll in transit alone. Diligent work is the crucial key for splitting the exam.

CDS Coaching in Chandigarh
In the event that you can afford and you have time, then the training classes are extremely useful yet in the meantime you need deliberately arranged time administration. Yet, recollect even in the wake of taking training, self study is must.

Exams are taken for checking your capability. On the off chance that you are fit then certainly you can get your position. 

Must Read CDS Coaching in Delhi.

You need to urgent for your objective. Need to clear exams then firstly you need to win from yourself. Beat your sluggishness. Be a dedicated and dynamic individual. These exams are difficult by any means. In any case, your attention on your objective gives you a fancied position. Readiness can take quite a while. It is additionally not certain that you will get achievement just in your first possibility. Now and again you require numerous odds. In first endeavor you are arranged yet not get achievement then do readiness for your second endeavor yet don't leave your objective. To begin with disappointment turns into the stepping stool of achievement. You take in a great deal from your disappointments. Life dependably gives the fresh opportunities yet you need to know how to utilize them with same capacity and certainty like your first possibility. Best things dependably take quite a while. Do hone increasingly and don't get exhausted following two or a feeble day planning, change more specimen papers and don't falter to clear your any uncertainty with the mentor are some fruitful tips to get effective affirmation in the exam. For more information you can visite here: NDA Coaching in Delhi.


Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Best Coaching Institute For UGC NET Exam In Chandigarh

The National Eligibility Test (NET) is a test which chooses the capability for school and school level lectureship and for respect of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals. Its major manner of thinking is to ensure minimum gages for the members in indicating reasons for living and research. The test is gone up against purpose of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Focal Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) coordinates the test for choosing the capability of Indian nationals for the Qualification for Associate Teacher just or Junior Research Partnership and Qualification for Colleague Educator Both in Indian schools and colleges. Next date for the National Eligibility Test (NET) is 22nd January 2017. There are 90 picked NET Examination urban people group spread the country over. Productive candidates are met all requirements to look for after research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are similarly fit the bill for Partner Educator. It's their choice what they pick. There are wide decisions for NET qualified individuals. Hopefuls are fit the bill for open division occupations.

The IIT, universities, foundations, and other national affiliations may pick the JRF awardees for whole time asks about work according to the technique prescribed by them. Their decision in any zone is depends on upon their score. If they have performed well they have different options. Various organization and also exclusive organizations open their doors for such sort of hopefuls. UGC set an aggregate pass model for different characterizations that is General - 65%, OBC - 60% and SC/ST - 55%.

UGC NET Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

Framework for UGC NET Capability

1. Best 15% contenders will be decided for each subject and characterization capability for Right hand Teacher in a manner of speaking.
2. Get minimum qualifying marks.
3. Who have cleared starting stride with all subjects their authenticity summary will be prepared.
From Net qualified understudies, an once-over of JRF will be prepared. Legitimize summary is set up by using a substitute sort of equation.

Rundown of UGC NET Subjects

All the major and basic subjects are consolidated into the NET examination. Confident can pick any subject according further bolstering his/her good fortune or field of study. This summary is moreover updated time to time as showed by the new fields and interests of the contenders. Like there are various new IT subjects are found. So these subjects will be incorporated into this once-over soon.

At our guiding focus we will give training to all subjects that are required to be passed in UGC NET Coaching in Chandigarh. When you get confirmation in our middle and let us know your prerequisites then we will make an advance outline with the advance we will convey to you and toward the end you would find that you have increased 100% positive results. You will have the capacity to pass the UGC NET Exam with decent evaluations in all subjects. We are the person who have conveyed heaps of progress to numerous people and this time its your swing now to get succeed. We invite all of you available to us for better preparing for different subjects to pass the UGC NET Exam coaching in Chandigarh.

Also Read : How to Prepare for NDA Exams

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Bank Po Coaching In Chandigarh

Bank PO Coaching in Chandigarh is given at our coaching center with minimal fees and 100% assured positive results. Hundreds and thousands of bank and PO jobs are opening every year in India. To be eligible for these jobs one would require to pass the Bank PO Exams conducted on numerous occasions throughout the year. No wonder people are looking for coaching to pass these exams as everyone wants to get high positions in merit list as these jobs are given on merit basis. So here is your chance to get job in Banks and POs in India.

These exams have the five main subjects in them. English, Math, Computer, Reasoning and regional language for various states are the five main subjects which will be asked in the examination. At our center you will get taught for Math’s least time consuming methods as this subject can take up to half time of your total examination time. Math problems are also hard to solve and they can consume you time as well your energy. So at our center we will teach you how to crack math problems with some useful formulas. This can help you save time for other subjects.
Bank PO Coaching in Chandigarh
English is another subject that can score good grades for you if you have enough knowledge of that. English skills are hard to get but with our coaching we assure you that you will be able to crack English examination with high grades as higher you score the higher you rank in merit list and you could stand for the best chances of getting jobs. We will teach you grammar and statement making skills which will help you in making your own sentences. We will also help you improve your vocabulary.

Another subject is reasoning in which you can score higher with our coaching. Reasoning is the main subject which can cause you get fail in the exams. Not a common person has the knowledge of reasoning theories hence it can get difficult for a common person to solve the reasoning problems. So here we at our Bank PO Coaching Institute in Chandigarh delivers the best reasoning solving algorithms to our students which can easily sort our many reasoning equations. Be at top with our reasoning solving coaching.

One more interesting and high scoring subject is Computer Information. This is where you can go ahead of others as we at our coaching center will teach you about the computer and its working functions. This information is asked over and over again in all Bank and PO exams and it can help you get higher marks in the examination.

At the end we will suggest you to get to us quickly as our seats can go vanished easily and quickly. All you need to do is just call us and we will assist you through rest of the process. Our coaching will definitely bring a happier and desired career for you as we have done for hundreds of individuals in recent past. You can be the next member of our achievement list.

Also Read : Best Coaching Institute For UGC NET Exam In Chandigarh

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Benefits of Joining Coaching Institute for NDA Exam

UPSC Conducts NDA exam twice a year for unmarried male candidates. It is the main exam for joining the army, navy and air force. Every year lots of candidates are giving this exam but only some of them clear exam. This exam is conducted in stages: written exam, SSB interview followed by medical fitness test.

If candidates want to crack NDA exam then they have to study hard. It’s not easy to clear NDA exam, if they are planning to take coaching then they have to do a lots of survey. There are many institutes who provide coaching for various entrance exam and defence services exam. Firstly you have to decide where you want to get coaching, which city is suitable for you. If you want to take NDA coaching in Delhi then there is lots of options are available because there are lots of NDA exam coaching institute in Chandigarh.

NDA Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

Many institutes are known for best NDA exam coaching in Delhi and it’s depending upon aspirants which coaching centre he/she wants to join. Candidates have to find institute and then shortlist institute according to their preference, visit the institute and he/she can also take demo classes. After taking demo classes candidate have to decide which institute is best and can start their preparation.

CDS Coaching institute in Chandigarh guide candidates and also provide complete study material. Time to time the test series are also conducted by the institute to know the performance of the candidates and from these test they can get idea about in which direction the student preparation is going on. Time is the most important thing in any entrance exam.

Coaching faculty gives you an idea how to manage time in exam. If you are spending too much time on one question then that approach is not good, you have to manage time properly for every question. They also provide you tricks and tips for solving question fast. There are so many benefits of joining coaching centres.
But don’t totally depend on coaching institutes, do self study and practice question. Finally hard work is the key to get success in any exam whether it is civil services exam or defence services exam.

Also Read : Bank Po Coaching In Chandigarh